Interim Teaching Pastor
Justin joined The Bridge Church Spanish Springs in 2018. Like most who move to the area he “shopped” around churches before landing at TBCSS. Prior to that while forcing himself to read the Bible to be able to show off to others that he was a “real Christian”, God put it on his heart to stop reading the Bible and start studying it! The more he put into studying the more God revealed to Him. Almost 15 years later and Justin still has the passion to dig into God’s Word and in 2020 God led him to start teaching the Bible. In 2024 he assumed the duties of Interim Teaching Pastor.
From Justin:
It’s so very important to me to JUST TEACH GOD’S WORD! His Word is so awesome and doesn’t need any help. This really takes the pressure off of me to just give the word plainly. I enjoy coming along side of people to also help them learn through God’s Word. I look forward to serving Jesus and serving you!