October 27, 2024 Sermon Notes and Questions

Kings of Israel-Saul: “How We Finish Matters!”

Wk 10: “Depression”

1 Samuel 22:6-19


Justin Scarberry

Message Notes for Week 10

1st 3 Kings of Israel Ordained by God:

  1. _________________________

  2. _________________________

  3. _________________________

Recap of Chapter 18:12-22:5

  • Saul tries to enlist his own _______________ as a trap for David.
  • Saul then tries to get his own son ______________ to kill David.
  • Saul then tries to kill ______________, his own son.
  • When David arrives in the enemy territory of Gath he hears a saying that apparently traveled well. Saul has slain his _________________ but David his _____________________.
  • David escapes from the Philistines and returns to Judah.

The son of Jesse that is referred to in verse 7 is ___________________.


Our words can be an offensive spear, lashing out at others:

Proverbs 12:18 NASB

18 There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,​

But the tongue of the wise brings healing


Our heart condition is often vented through our mouth:

Luke 6:45 ESV

45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.


Depression can lead to misery which can lead to despair:

Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV

24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching


When we are depressed we turn our focus inward which makes the problem even worse!

At this point we need to be (though we might not want to be) around God’s people.


BAD advice when you are feeling down:

  1. Stop going to church

  2. Stop reading your bible

  3. Isolate yourself


Love vs. Hate:

1 Peter 4:8 NASB

8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”


Proverbs 10:12 NIV

Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.


Some recommendations when depression hits

(note: continue your treatments with your doctor):

  1. Try and help out someone else.

  2. Surround yourself with encouraging people

  3. Stay off social media

  4. Understand this season will pass!


Psalm 42:11 NASB

11 Why are you in despair, my soul?

And why are you restless within me?

Wait for God, for I will again praise Him

For the help of His presence, my God.


  • Dan Hall is the transition team lead.  Please contact him with any questions.
  • Transition Team Needs
  • Areas that still need to be covered. If interested, contact Dan Hall:
  • Tech—Audio/Video and worship lyric technician.
  • IT/Hardware—manage the various connections of the service IT components/internet/wifi, etc.
  • A Search Team will be put together to start the process of finding a new pastor.
    • The typical time to replace a Pastor is 12-18 months. Please wait on the Lord with us!
    • The team will update the church regularly
  • Prayer is a critical part of this process! Please pray continually for the board’s guidance in seeking God’s will.


Movie & Popcorn Bar Night!

Saturday, November 9th 6:30pm at the church

Bring your comfy blanket and come in your comfy clothes!

Invite your family friends and neighbors

Popcorn with a variety of fixins!

See Paulette for more details


Benevolence Committee

Please see Jenni Nikolakakis for more information

Need a few people to help support the ministry

Still finalizing details for the committee

Men’s Bible Study!

Wednesday’s 6-8 PM

See Jim for details

Refresh!  Woman’s Group

Hosted by Dondra, Starting to Refresh November 12@ 2pm at the church

The group will start out with “Keys to the Kingdom”

Also looking for someone to host and/or lead a Wednesday night women’s group at 7:00pm

Please see Dondra if you are interested


The board is working on setting up Zelle to use for a digital option for giving

Stay tuned for more details in the next few weeks


  1. Who was the 3rd king of Israel appointed by God? Who was the second?

  2. What would you say is the best attribute that Saul exhibited so far in our study? What would you say is the worst?

  3. Who are the Philistines in scripture? Can you recall anything about them?

  4. Read 1 Samuel 22:6-9, who is the “son of Jesse” in verse 7? Why do you think that Saul would think that this “son of Jesse” is out to get him?

  5. Read Proverbs 12:18, what do you think “speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword” means? What are some examples of how we can speak that way in our life?

  6. Read Luke 6:45, what is meant by the “abundance” of the heart? What is the word in the original language?   What is the biblical definition?  What language is the entire NT written in?

  7. Read 1 Samuel 22:10-16, what is an “Edomite”? Can you think of any Edomites in the Bible?

  8. Can you be a Christian and never go to church? Why or why not?  Read Hebrews 10:24-25.  What are some reasons we have used to forsake the assembling of ourselves together?

  9. What are some signs of depression that we have seen in our lives or the lives of others? What kind of resources are available for those who suffer with depression?

  10. What are some examples of depression given in the Bible?

  11. If you are struggling with depression you are not in this battle alone! PLEASE reach out to someone in the church to pray for you and to come alongside you.

1 Peter 4:8 NASB

8 And above all things have fervent love for one another,

for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”


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